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Terms of Use

These terms regulate the usage rules of the website https://yatirimteknik.com/. It will be referred to as https://yatirimteknik.com/ website (“Site”). We recommend that you carefully read the terms of use below before using this Site. All Users who use the https://yatirimteknik.com/ website in any way will be deemed to have agreed to comply with the terms on this page.

https://yatirimteknik.com/ is a service provided by Yatirimteknik, LLC PRIVACY POLICY. Yatirimteknik defines registered real and legal person users as "User" and unregistered real and legal person users as "Visitor". This agreement applies to both Members and Visitors.

The authority to make changes to the terms of use contained in this text belongs exclusively to Yatirimteknik whenever it wishes, and the changes will become valid on the date they are uploaded, provided that they are uploaded to the Site. Users or Visitors will be deemed to have accepted the terms of use when they use the Site.

Yatirimteknik may provide personal information of its Users and Visitors to provide a better service to its Users and Visitors. Since Users and Visitors have the right to dispose of their personal information as they wish, you can request that your personal information be changed or deleted while using the Site. Additionally, your personal data can be shared with authorized public institutions upon request.

https://yatirimteknik.com/ does not undertake to provide uninterrupted or certain service to the Users of the website in any way. Likewise, it does not make any suggestions or recommendations to the user that the operation and administration of the website will be error-free and uninterrupted, that faults, defects and defects will be corrected, that the website is clean from harmful elements and viruses, and no assurance or guarantee is given to the user in these matters. The information in these Terms of Use is provided solely for the purpose of informing Users; It does not constitute advice on legal, medical, financial, investment, tax, accounting or other similar matters. Any action you take by relying on the information published on https://yatirimteknik.com/ is entirely your responsibility.

Users are obliged not to violate the legal rights of third parties in any way while using any content or communication system of the website https://yatirimteknik.com/. Yatirimteknik does not accept any legal or criminal liability regarding such violations, and any legal and criminal liability that may arise from these violations belongs exclusively to the User. Yatirimteknik, on its website https://yatirimteknik.com/, does not publish any information that creates or encourages a criminal situation, is threatening, contains insults and profanities, is humiliating, disturbing or immoral, or discriminates against gender or race. reserves the right to change the material and content, refuse to publish or remove it from publication, and freeze and terminate the memberships of Users who engage in such actions.

Any direct and/or indirect material and/or moral, negative and/or positive damages arising from access to the https://yatirimteknik.com/ website and both direct and indirect use of the information on the site and/or portal services. Yatirimteknik managers, employees, and those who prepare the information and/or portal services on this site cannot be held responsible.

https://yatirimteknik.com/ website users shall not transmit to the website any content, software or any other material that contains a virus or other harmful element.

Violation of these Terms of Use may result in the termination of your membership to the website https://yatirimteknik.com/, at Yatirimteknik's sole discretion. You acknowledge that any content you share on the website https://yatirimteknik.com/ is not and cannot be the responsibility of Yatirimteknik, and that the risks you may face while using the website https://yatirimteknik.com/ are entirely your responsibility. If you violate the spirit or text of these Terms of Use in any way or expose Yatirimteknik to a risk or other possible legal sanction, we may partially or completely stop providing you with access to the website https://yatirimteknik.com/.

Yatirimteknik does not accept liability for any damages that may occur as a result of the use of the personal information of the users of the website https://yatirimteknik.com/ within the framework of the above conditions.

You are responsible for any actions that occur through your membership and you agree that you will not sell, transfer, delegate or allow the use of your membership, username or other membership rights. You acknowledge and agree that you are prohibited from creating an account on behalf of anyone other than yourself on the website https://yatirimteknik.com/, except for individuals or businesses that have express authority to create accounts on behalf of their employers or customers. You also represent that all information you provide or have provided to the website https://yatirimteknik.com/ when registering and at all other times will be true, accurate, current and complete and you agree to update your information as necessary to maintain its truth and accuracy.

The use of all kinds of intellectual and artistic products, brands, content, information and materials on our Website is subject to the permission of Yatirimteknik within the framework of the relevant legislation, especially the provisions of the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846. User/Member accepts any intellectual and artistic product, brand, any information and material, regardless of its nature, on our Website and protected under the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846, the Industrial Property Law No. 6769 and the relevant legislation, without Yatirimteknik's express written consent. cannot use without permission. Nothing in the content of this Website can be transferred to the User/Member without the express written consent of Yatirimteknik or the relevant third parties who are the rights holders; It does not grant any right of use or license on brands, distinctive names and signs, logos and designs and similar intellectual and industrial property rights belonging to Yatirimteknik or third parties.

All kinds of news, content, information and other materials on our Website can only be used with the express written permission of Yatirimteknik and under the terms and conditions permitted by Yatirimteknik, and cannot be given or made available to third parties and organizations without the prior express written permission of Yatirimteknik. It cannot be reproduced, uploaded to another computer, mailed, presented or published. All or part of the content on our Website cannot be used in any other medium without citing the source and obtaining written permission from Yatirimteknik. User/Member; It accepts, declares and undertakes to comply with the provisions of the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846, the Industrial Property Law, the Turkish Commercial Code, the Turkish Penal Code and other legislation and not to violate them. Otherwise, Yatirimteknik reserves the right to recourse to the User/Member for any compensation and/or administrative/judicial fines that it has/will have to pay to public institutions and/or third parties. All data, texts, files, information, usernames, images, graphics, photographs, profiles, audio and video that you send to the website named https://yatirimteknik.com/ or share or show on the website named https://yatirimteknik.com/ clips, sounds, musical works, original works, applications, links and other content and materials are entirely your responsibility.

https://yatirimteknik.com/ users can publish their opinions regarding the contents of the site in 'comments'. The responsibility for the opinions expressed by the users belongs to the user, the responsibility cannot be directed to Yatirimteknik. Users of the website https://yatirimteknik.com/ will avoid any behavior that may lead to unfair competition in the commercial sense, take advantage of commercial reputation, and will not copy the existing content on the website in any way.

If users provide inaccurate and up-to-date information to the https://yatirimteknik.com/ website or when the accuracy and up-to-dateness of the information is suspected, Yatirimteknik reserves the right to suspend or terminate the services.

As Yatirimteknik, we reserve the right to deny anyone access to the website https://yatirimteknik.com/ at any time and for any reason.

Users have the right to terminate their membership at any stage. If the account is closed by either the User or Yatirimteknik, all licenses and other rights granted to you in these Terms of Use will immediately expire.

The laws of the Republic of Türkiye apply to these Terms of Use. If any provision of this agreement shall be deemed illegal, invalid or otherwise legally unenforceable for any reason, that provision may be severed from this agreement. However, this does not affect the validity and legal applicability of the remaining articles.

Istanbul Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized to resolve any disputes that may arise from the interpretation and implementation of the provisions and legal relations written above.